Damn Kevin Spacey attacks in Christmas Eve video

Poor actor Kevin Spacey shared a third annual Christmas Eve video on Thursday, which left many wondering if he could read the room.

The YouTube video of almost 2 and a half minutes, which he also posted in his Twitter feed, he featured Spacey, 61, approaching the camera directly while walking in an unidentified park.

“What would Christmas Eve be like without a message from me?” he said, starting the video with the southern accent of his former “House of Cards” character, Frank Underwood, as he also did in bizarre vacation videos in 2019 and 2018.

“Listen, a lot of people came to me last year and shared their own struggles. And my ability to be there for them was really only possible because of my own difficulties, ”he said, referring to previous allegations of sexual assault against the Oscar-winning actor. Spacey is currently facing a lawsuit from actor Anthony Rapp of “Star Trek: Discovery”, 49, and another man, identified as CD, who accused him of making sexual advances towards them in separate incidents when they were minors. Rapp said he was 14 when the incident occurred.

Spacey – who in May said he had “empathy” for people who lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic – regretted not being able to help people who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts during the tumultuous 2020.

Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey

“Although it was a privilege to offer support, I must say, frankly, that it is also beyond my abilities and is bigger than me,” said the serious-faced actor. “Because, in a painful way, many have said that things got so bad for them that they thought about taking their own life. And that’s enough for me to want a totally different approach this year, to acknowledge your pain.

“For anyone who is struggling – or contemplating this idea – please don’t take that step,” he continued. “If you’re standing in a place that you can’t stand on. If you are suffering, you need help. If you feel guilty or ashamed. If you are struggling with your identity. If your back is against the wall. Or if you feel that there is no way for you, whatever your situation, I promise you, there is a way. “

Then Spacey gallantly added, “You are not alone” and used the video to promote suicide and substance abuse hotlines. “So, I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a great 2021, and say to everyone who may be suffering: It’s getting better. It gets better, ”he continued, apparently using the name of an LGBTQ support group founded by activist and journalist Dan Savage and her husband, Terry Miller.

While he had some supporters – “Keep your chin up, brother! Your lack, “ offered a – much of the Twitter feedback was negative.

“Which of your teenage sex slaves said that was a good idea,” one commenter claimed, While another asked, “Is this your way of trying to win people over?” Someone suggested, “Maybe you should sit this out everyday. #YouveDoneEnoughDamage Just saying ‘.’ A poster confronted Spacey with “Literally no one is asking you to do this”, while another was more direct, writing, “PLEASE, F – KING PARE.”

In 2019, Spacey – whose films include “Fred Claus” in 2007, “American Beauty” in 1999 and “The Usual Suspects” in 1995 – also reappeared in Italy to give a poetry reading about a boxer. “The more you are hurt, the bigger you are and the emptier you are,” shared Spacey from a poem by Gabriele Tinti.
