Cyberpunk 2077 studio is victim of ransomware attack, threat of data leakage

The CD Projekt says it was hacked by attackers who managed to access its internal network, encrypt some devices and collect “certain data” from the Polish video game company. The Cyberpunk 2077 The developer says he will not yield to the demands or negotiate with the attacker, and does not believe that any personal data of players or users of the service have been compromised.

On a tweet revealing the hack, the company shared the ransom note left by the hackers, who claim to have accessed the source code for the Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, Gwent, and an “unreleased version of Witcher 3.“Hackers are threatening to release the source code along with internal legal, HR and financial documents” if we don’t reach an agreement “.

In its statement, CD Projekt says it has protected its IT infrastructure and has begun to restore its data from intact backups. He claims to have informed the “competent authorities”, as well as forensic IT specialists.

The attack follows the problematic launch of the developer of Cyberpunk 2077. The game was released with several bugs and performance issues on the PC and was almost impossible to play on older consoles. Subsequently, Sony withdrew the game from the PlayStation Store and offered refunds to players, while Microsoft is also offering refunds.

CD Projekt has been subjected to intense criticism for launching the game in what critics say is an unfinished state. The company promised to address Cyberpunk 2077’s Performance issues with a series of patches. It is now facing a lawsuit from investors who claim they were misled about the game’s performance before launch. The developer was also criticized for reports that his employees were forced to work long hours in the months leading up to the game’s release.
