Cyberpunk 2077 player breaks the game by blowing up all vehicles

As demonstrated by a Reddit user, you can cause Cyberpunk 2077 to crash and crash, causing a chain reaction of explosions.

The Reddit user uploaded images of his PS5 showing a hilarious result of his experiences with Cyberpunk 2077. It turns out that if you set a chain reaction and blow up all the vehicles in a certain area, the game will crash completely. Check out the video below and see for yourself if the resulting explosion is worth the massive bang:

Explode all vehicles (stop the game) from r / cyberpunkgame

Regardless of your opinion, it is a glorious display of destruction and at least we can enjoy the results without risking our own game.

The launch of Cyberpunk 2077 was riddled with controversy and bugs, with the first update being introduced last week that fixed some issues. On Friday, all versions of the game received Patch 1.1 as promised by the roadmap and the apology released a few weeks ago.

Along with the bugs that affected its launch, GameInformer’s Liana Ruppert suffered a severe seizure during the game. This was due to light patterns similar to those used by neurologists to help induce seizures in patients. Later, it was also noted that the game did not have a clear warning of epilepsy at the start of the game, something that has now been fixed. This same RPG has seen its share of other controversies even before the release with reports of transphobia and crunch culture, just as the studio also refused to share information about the game’s accessibility.

Cyberpunk 2077 it is currently available for PC, Xbox One and Google Stadia. As for the PS4, retail copies are still around, but Sony has removed the game from the PSN Store. In the meantime, the official Microsoft store presents a statement alerting players to performance issues until the Xbox One version is updated. The game can also be played on the Xbox Series X | S and PS5 thanks to backward compatibility. You can read our review of the game here: “Cyberpunk 2077 it is a deeply conflicting game, which you will end up loving, but you will also hate and feel deeply disappointed. “
