Cyberpunk 2077 patches and updates being monitored by the Polish government

The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has taken an interest in Cyberpunk 2077 updates and plans to monitor its progress.

The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) is the last entity to be interested in the development of the CD Projekt Red Cyberpunk 2077, as the government agency plans to monitor the home studio’s progress as it releases patches and updates – especially on consoles. Resuming, Cyberpunk 2077 was not released in the best of circumstances last month. After a controversy over analysis and its total absence of PlayStation and Xbox hardware at launch, the long-awaited RPG proved to be a technical mess on next-generation consoles, but abysmal frame rates, subpar graphics and constant glitches were only part of the problem.

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CD Projekt quickly began to face charges of deliberately misleading consumers, leading to a refund fiasco that culminated in the removal of the PlayStation title from its store. Meanwhile, companies like Xbox, Best Buy and GameStop have briefly adjusted their refund policies to Cyberpunk 2077 Returns. To make matters worse, the Polish studio will also have to defend itself against collective lawsuits filed by its investors. However, CD Projekt’s shareholders are not the only ones asking difficult questions.

Related: Class action filed against CD Projekt Red after the release of Messy Cyberpunk 2077

The Polish agency UOKiK is now also keeping an eye on the situation. The Polish website (translated via Reddit) reports that UOKiK spokesman Małgorzata Cieloch says the agency will now monitor Cyberpunk 2077 post-release updates, especially with regard to fixes that should stabilize console iterations. Cieloch’s translated statement indicates that CD Projekt will explain what went wrong with the final construction. Apparently, UOKiK is also interested in how the company can respond to dissatisfied customers. Supposedly, if the president of UOKiK makes a decision that does not end in favor of the studio, the company could be fined up to 10% of its annual revenue. Even with the 13 million copies sold in the Cyberpunk 2077launch would be a high price to pay.

Screenshot of Cyberpunk 2077 game

The full version of the translation of Cieloch’s statement reads:

“We ask the entrepreneur to explain the problems with the game and the actions taken by him. We will check how the producer is working to make corrections or resolve difficulties that make it impossible to play on consoles, but also how he intends to act with people who have made complaints and are dissatisfied with the purchase due to the lack of possibility to play on their equipment despite previous guarantees. the producer. “

Interestingly, this may not be the end of CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077related problems. For example, the shares moved, so far, concern only the company’s investors. Who knows if there are consumers planning to take action on their own, similar to class actions brought against Bethesda by Fallout 76 and the Sega and Gearbox fiasco itself Aliens: Colonial Marines.

At a minimum, the developers of CD Projekt Red are working to rectify the various problems that still affect Cyberpunk 2077. The last major patch was released on all platforms in late December 2020, and there are two more major patches on the horizon. The first of them is due to be launched this month, with a second scheduled to be launched in February.

Next: Cyberpunk 2077 DLC: What CDPR needs to add first

Cyberpunk 2077 is already available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia, and will be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S in 2021.

Source:, Reddit

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