Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.1 has already been released

Johnny Silverhand poses with his arms crossed in a screenshot of Cyberpunk 2077.

CD Projekt Red released patch 1.1 for Cyberpunk 2077, the first of several updates and fixes they planned for 2021. Patch 1.1 is largely focused on stability, says CDPR, which will continue to improve on patch 1.2 planned below.

On the stability side, CDPR says it addressed memory usage related to many of the game’s systems, including characters, navigation, street traffic and more. They also fixed crash problems when loading saved files and opening or closing the game.

Related to some prominent corruption issues with files saved shortly after launch, CDPR says it fixed an issue “responsible for oversized rescues (related to the modifier that indicates whether the item was created) and eliminated the excess size of existing rescues”. This will not repair saved files that were already corrupted before the previous hotfix 1.06.

Specifically for PC users, CDPR states that players should now be able to earn achievements while Steam is in offline mode. Also in the list of PC fixes are “game startup failures related to loading the cache on NVIDIA graphics cards”.

You can get the rest of the patch 1.1 update notes on the CDPR website.

This is the first of several updates and patches over the course of 2021 that CDPR said it had planned in its rather superficial script from last week. At the same time as the script, CDPR also posted the apology video above and a page on its website dedicated to progress to improve the game.

Graham’s analysis of Cyberpunk 2077 calls this “a big, beautiful, broken mess.”

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