Cyberpunk 2077 fixed the rescue corruption issue

People on the street (ee-da-dee-da-day) in a screenshot of Cyberpunk 2077.

Hotfix 1.06 cyberslid brought down cyberchimney Cyberpunk 2077 overnight, destroying a small handful of bugs, including an important one: the problem of saving corrupted files if they reach 8 MB in size. Pass that limit and, boosh, your save is gone, unrecoverable. It really only affected people who worked hard, but it sure sucked for them. So now it’s fixed.

Along with adjustments to make the console version crash less, the hotfix 1.06 patch notes list two things relevant to us on the PC:

  • Dum Dum will no longer disappear from the entrance to Totentanz during the Second Conflict.
  • Removed the saved file size limit of 8 MB. Note: This will not fix saved saved files before upgrading.

As someone whose saved file is over 5 MB long before the game ended (I have been doing a lot of minor things and doing a lot of creative work), I was getting worried. It is good to see this corrected. Hopefully, people who were hitting the limit have a safe rescue they can turn to, since the corrupted cannot be recovered.

You may think it is a niche issue, but if you are investing anything in crafting, you should probably try. It takes a lot of skill, time and creation points to make the resource worthwhile, encouraging players to make a million items so they can reach equipment worth using. Just another way the game’s draft system is broken, tedious and – worst of all – out of fashion.

I’m really enjoying the big and daring world of Cyberpunk 2077, as close as I felt a game came from Mega-City One (including in the game Judge Dredd!) And from other stunning dystopian cities with which an 80’s child grew up. It’s already a lovely walking simulator, as long as you don’t take long enough to be distracted by the disappearance of pedestrians, stupid cars and other similar shortcomings. I also have some interesting characters and stories at heart. But, as I said in the advent calendar, bug fixes alone cannot make Cyberpunk 2077 a big game – many systems are basically crap. Fingers crossed for a ‘Advanced Edition’ relaunch next year?

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