Craig Ferguson’s Monologue Defending Britney Spears of 2007 Resurfaces – Deadline

Craig Ferguson may not be Chris Crocker, but Peabody’s winning television host recently went viral for defending Britney Spears during a 2007 opening monologue.

In the old Late Late Show clip, Ferguson asks for sympathy and understanding for the pop singer as she went publicly through a difficult phase. From shaving her head to going into rehab, the “Toxic” singer became the subject of attractive jokes and headlines for all types of media.

“I’m starting to feel uncomfortable making fun of these people,” he said. “The comedy must have a certain amount of joy. It should be about us attacking the powerful people, attacking the politicians and the Trumps and the bucks, going after them. We shouldn’t be attacking vulnerable people. “

Ferguson continues: “I think my goal is a little wrong and I want to change it. So tonight, no Britney Spears jokes. This woman has two children. She is 25 years old. She is a baby herself. She’s a baby. “

Twitter user @BritneyHiatus shared the clip on the social media platform on Monday, which then went viral. The caption for the video was, “Never forget when Craig Ferguson refused to make fun of Britney.”

The resurgence of Ferguson’s speech comes when fans express their support for the singer, who is currently struggling to break free of court-imposed tutelage with the #FreeBritney movement. The video also went viral after a new document about the singer, entitled The New York Times presents Britney Spears framing, debuted on Hulu and Fox on February 5.

See Ferguson’s monologue below.
