COVID Vaccine ‘Mega Site’ opens in Edison. See pictures

EDISON, NJ – New Jersey’s third COVID-19 vaccination mega site opened in Edison on Friday. Governor Phil Murphy visited the site at the New Jersey Convention and Exhibition Center.

He posed for pictures with Richard Satyavan, a 76-year-old New Brunswick resident, who was one of the first people to receive a dose of the vaccine at the center.

Murphy was accompanied by Department of Health Commissioner Jusy Persichilli, Rep. Frank Pallone, Director of Middlesex County Commissioners Council, Ronald G. Rios, Mayor of Edison, Thomas Lankey, among others.

According to the authorities, the facility expects to administer about 2,000 vaccines every day.

“We are pleased that Middlesex County has been selected as a mega-local vaccine destination,” said Rios.

“Our municipality is fully equipped to provide the necessary resources and advanced infrastructure to deploy the COVID-19 vaccine safely and efficiently, both in the mega site and at our own vaccination sites. This vaccine is a powerful blow to the pandemic, but we need to remain vigilant, “he said.

Teams from RWJBarnabas Health, Middlesex County and the National Guard are coordinating efforts on site to operate, equip and ensure maximum safety and efficiency of the vaccination effort. More than 100 employees are currently on site to provide services, including security, registration, vaccination and medical observation.

Murphy received some criticism earlier this week, when the state’s COVID-19 vaccine priority list prioritized smokers over teachers.

But he rejected criticism on Friday. “This is a cheap shot because of a headline,” said Murphy. “Our first priority must be to vaccinate those most at risk. We must not lose sight of the fact that it is a respiratory virus and that smoking puts someone at greater risk for a more serious case ”.

Murphy said that as of Thursday, 300,000 vaccines have been administered across the state.

The Edison vaccination mega-site is equipped with 20 vaccination stations and will operate from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm

New Jersey began vaccinating for seniors over 65 and others with health problems and those between the ages of 16 and 64 with medical conditions defined by the CDC.

The state’s goal is to vaccinate 70% of the adult population – or 4.7 million adults – in six months.

To schedule an appointment on Edison’s “mega site” click here.

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