Covid US: 146 has UK ‘super strain’ as Florida DOUBLE cases

Florida has become America’s new ‘super-COVID’ hotspot, leading the country in known cases.

At least 46 cases of the highly contagious variant first identified in the UK have been found in the State of the Sun, more than double the initial number of 22.

This occurred just 20 days after the first case was identified on New Year’s Eve.

The new strain, B 1.1.7., Is feared to be up to 70 percent more transmissible and to spread more easily among children.

On the same day, 13 cases were identified by a North Carolina laboratory, which has reported no cases of the variant to date.

This means that almost 150 Americans have been infected with the strain since the first case was identified last year.

Recently, University of Arizona researchers say it may have occurred in the U.S. six weeks a little earlier than expected.

The team says the variant may have been behind a group of cases in California that were traced back to November 6 and another that occurred in Florida on November 23.

In addition, a recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that 60 counties around the world are reporting cases of the variant.

At least 146 Americans in 21 states have been infected with the highly contagious coronavirus variant first detected in the UK

At least 146 Americans in 21 states were infected with the highly contagious coronavirus variant first detected in the UK

A new WHO report concluded that B 1.1.7.  was detected in 60 countries (yellow and stripes), 10 nations more than seven days ago

A new WHO report concluded that B 1.1.7. was detected in 60 countries (yellow and stripes), 10 nations more than seven days ago

There are currently 146 cases in 21 U.S. states, according to an analysis by of federal and state data.

This includes at least 46 cases in Florida; 40 in California; 13 in North Carolina; six in Colorado; five in Minnesota; four in Indiana and New York; two in Connecticut, Maryland and Texas; and one each in Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

North Carolina cases are the most recent identified by MAKO Medical Laboratories, which has two locations in Henderson and the third in Raleigh.

“Our findings show that the mutation has started to work in the United States,” said Steve Hoover, vice president of laboratory operations at MAKO Medical, in a statement.

“We are in constant communication with public health leaders to keep them informed and up to date.”

Florida, however, leads the country in cases with 46.

Dr. Marco Salemi, professor and molecular biologist at the University of Florida, told the Miami Herald that he is calling on state and federal governments to expand surveillance of the new variant.

“We know it’s in Florida,” he said.

‘What percentage [of cases] it is impossible to say. The genomes we have were probably collected before or at the beginning of the introduction of [the variant] For florida. ‘

The Florida Department of Health has sequenced only about 3,000 samples so far.

Last week, the CDC published a report predicting that the new variant will become the dominant strain in March 2021.

This prompted President Joe Biden to ask for more funding for efforts to genetically sequence the virus at the federal level.

Meanwhile, in your weekly update launched on Tuesday, WHO announced so-called B 1.1.7. is now in 10 more countries than it was seven days ago.

Counties outside the United Kingdom must report cases of the variant: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain and the USA

The WHO report also mentioned cousins ​​close to the variant that were first identified in South Africa and Brazil.

The South African variant has already been identified in 23 countries, three more nations than 10 days ago.

The strain emerged in southeastern England in October, in the county of Kent, and quickly became the dominant strain in Britain.

This led to a massive increase in infections, with one in 30 Londoners infected, leading the country to a third blockade.

In a recent statement, Dr. Ashish K Jha, dean of Brown University School of Public Health, said urgent aggressive action is needed to limit the spread of new strains, as several health systems experience a severe shortage of beds and resources.

“This new, more infectious variant will change the underlying dynamics of the pandemic, with the exponential growth of infections making the virus much more difficult to contain and overwhelming our stressed health system.

“The US health care system is already reeling under the burden of the pandemic caused by the current (old) strain,” he wrote.

But, perhaps most importantly, Jha says vaccination efforts across the country need to be stepped up

Gigi Gronvall, an immunologist and senior researcher at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, agrees.

“I don’t think anyone thinks this variant is the reason why we had such terrible numbers in the United States, but this is not a good indicator when you look at whether things could be even worse,” she told Miami Herald.

– So we need to put vaccines in the arms as soon as possible.

The mutant coronavirus strain has been in the United States since November 6 – six weeks BEFORE the United Kingdom flags it as a “concern variant,” the study concluded.

By Joe Pinkstone for MailOnline

The highly infectious coronavirus variant B.1.1.7, which appeared in Kent in September 2020, arrived in the United States on November 6, new research shows.

He is believed to have mutated in a single patient in England struggling with a critical case of Covid-19, which forced the virus to adapt by changing its genetic code.

Researchers at the University of Arizona studied the genomes of 50 B.1.1.7 infections in the U.S. and traced their lineage to determine when the mutated variant first appeared in the U.S.

They found two groups of infections, one in California and one in Florida, which originated on November 6 and November 23, respectively – the first being about six weeks before SAGE told the government about the new variant and the secretary of Matt Hancock to announce to the public.

This retrospective study has the benefit of genomic and retrospective analysis, and the first real case of the Kent strain was not diagnosed in an American until December 29.

“It is striking that this strain was already established in the United States for about 5-6 weeks before B.1.1.7 was first identified as a variant of concern in the UK in mid-December,” the researchers wrote.

“And it may have been circulating in the United States for almost two months before it was first detected, on December 29, 2020.”

The study has not yet been peer-reviewed, but is available online as a prepress.

The exact origin of the Kent variant is unknown, but it is believed to have arisen in mid-September.

Dr Susan Hopkins, a senior public health official in England (PHE), said in December that there was originally “nothing that would particularly point out that this was a cause for concern as the variants come and go”.

Mutations in viruses occur all the time, the vast majority being harmless or harmful to the pathogen.

However, by chance, adjustments to the viral code sometimes give it a survival advantage and increase its success, often making it more infectious and easier to spread.

This is what is thought to have occurred in variant B.1.1.7, which previous studies have found to be more abundant in the upper respiratory tract.

A mutation in the spike protein – which protrudes from the coronavirus and hijacks human cells – made it better for infecting people.

This mutation called N501Y is also found in South African and Brazilian variants that have already been identified.

Arizona-based researchers found that all California cases share another minor mutation, which is seen in only 1.2 percent of European B.1.1.7 cases.

This, they say, indicates that a single introductory event, probably from an international trip, sowed the variant in California, where it spread from person to person.

A similar trend was observed for the Florida case batch, which was very similar to the most common type of B.1.1.7 seen in the United Kingdom.

This is a ‘strong indication that they are also descended from a single introduction event’, say the scientists.
