COVID in MN: State launches new enriched vaccine data panel – WCCO

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – The state of Minnesota released a new, more comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination panel on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Minnesota health officials have reported 1,335 more cases of the virus and 13 more deaths.

The panel was produced by Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) and MDH. The panel is designed in a friendly way with four guides at the top closely monitoring.

“Today, Minnesota launched its new COVID panel on the state’s response site,” said MNIT commissioner Tarek Tomes. “This panel shows an important date for shaping and promoting the best possible results.”

From the summary stating that more than 144,000 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine, even who is being vaccinated – 2.6% of Minnesota’s population now. There is a county map showing Mahnomen and Olmstead counties with the highest percentage of their populations being shot.

The panel provides more specific information about the administration and distribution of vaccination, how many doses were sent to health professionals in the state (329,450) and how many total doses were promised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (541,100).

“We are committed to ensuring that Minnesota residents know how much vaccine is coming to our state and how many of our neighbors are getting their vaccines when it is their turn,” said Minnesota health commissioner Jan Malcolm. “Transparency is a fundamental principle of our vaccine launch. We are pleased to provide Minnesotans with this vital information as the light at the end of the tunnel becomes brighter. “

According to the panel, more than 152,000 doses of vaccine were administered in the state on January 9, with nearly 7,400 people having completed the series of two-shot vaccines. The state used about a third of its total doses.

“This panel provides transparency to Minnesotans and promotes confidence that doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are arriving consistently in Minnesota and vaccines are going into the arms of our most vulnerable health professionals and family and friends,” said the commissioner. MNIT, Tarek Tomes. “This will help Minnesota residents to visualize our progress towards ending this pandemic forever.”

The data show that the doses of vaccine administered have increased every week since mid-December. From 4,677 doses administered in the week of December 13 to 63,727 doses administered during the week of January 3. The data also shows daily vaccine administrations.

(credit: State of Minnesota)

Still, less than 0.1% of people in Minnesota completed the vaccine series and less than 3% had at least one injection.

“COVID-19 vaccination data can be used to monitor immunization coverage at the state and municipal levels and progress towards national, state and local coverage goals. The data can also help to identify populations at risk and stimulate public health actions and policies aimed at increasing immunization. The data cannot tell us why people are not vaccinated. Some people may not have immediate access to the vaccine and some people may choose not to vaccinate. In addition, some people may have received vaccines that are not registered with MIIC, such as those that were vaccinated in another state, ”says a note from the panel.

The website also shows that 13% of vaccinated people are 65 years or older, a lower percentage than in other states. It is all part of the Phase 1A plan that, from now on, Minnesota health officials hope to complete by the end of the month.

“In this first phase, we prioritize health professionals and individuals in qualified nursing facilities and assisted living,” explained Kris Ehresmann, MDH’s Director of Epidemiology. “We are not withholding any vaccine. If we get 100 doses, we distribute 100 doses. “

The federal government is now ordering states to vaccinate anyone 65 and older, but the guideline is being answered with many questions by the Minnesota Department of Health. There are still no additional doses to accompany this plan.

As the number of coronavirus deaths approaches 400,000 across the country, the Trump administration unexpectedly announced on Tuesday that it will stop withholding second doses of the vaccine. This practically doubles the offer. It is the same approach that President-elect Joe Biden announced on Monday.

The CDC says that almost 9 million Americans received their first doses of vaccine. This is only about a third of the more than 25 million doses distributed.

Click here to visit the panel.

MDH launches daily update on COVID-19

Minnesota health officials on Tuesday reported 1,335 more cases of the virus and 13 more deaths.

With the Minnesota Department of Heatlth’s daily update, the state is approaching 440,000 COVID-19 cases reported since the pandemic began; 34,132 cases were discovered among health professionals. About 418,610 people who contracted the virus have recovered enough to avoid isolating themselves from others.

The death toll in the state is now 5,724, with 3,660 of those deaths occurring in long-term or assisted living facilities.

More than 29,000 COVID-19 tests have been completed in the past 24 hours. More than 3 million people have been tested in the state so far.
