COVID: Alaska is the first state to make vaccine available to everyone over 16

Alaska will allow anyone in the state over the age of 16 to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Michael Dunleavy (R) announced On Tuesday night, adding the measure is “effective immediately”.

Why does it matter: Alaska is the first state to allow children under 18 to be vaccinated and the first to remove eligibility requirements.

Details: “The Pfizer vaccine is available to individuals aged 16 and over, while the Johnson & Johnson and Moderna vaccine are available to individuals aged 18 and over,” according to a statement from the governor’s office.

  • This is in line with FDA recommendations.

Of importance: Last week, Alaska made vaccines available to people over the age of 16 with a condition that puts them at risk for serious illnesses caused by COVID-19 or essential workers not covered by previous provisions for the health, elderly and care sectors.

For registration: “Regions including the island of Kodiak, the district of Petersburg and the Kusilvak census area are approaching or exceeding vaccination rates of 90% among the elderly,” according to the statement from the governor’s office.

  • “In the Nome census area, more than 60% of residents aged 16 and over received at least one injection, and about 291,000 doses were administered across the state.”

Editor’s note: this article has been updated with new details.
