COVID-19: That’s when we can all stop wearing masks, says Fauci

As COVID-19 vaccines and complete inoculations become more common, Dr. Anthony Fauci highlighted under what conditions people can stop wearing face masks.

Face masks have been an integral part of preventing the spread of COVID-19. The use of personal protective equipment is mandatory in many public spaces.

On Monday, March 1, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States and chief medical adviser to President Biden, said that there is a point – and for some people it is already here – where they can stop wearing masks.

If a person has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and is close to people who have also been fully vaccinated, there is no problem in not wearing a face mask, said Fauci.

This relaxation of the rules comes at a time when the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing a list of things that fully vaccinated people can safely do.

Anyone who has not been vaccinated, or just received the first of a two-dose regimen, must still adhere to the traditional COVID-19 safety measures for wearing masks, frequent hand hygiene and social distance.

During a press conference on Monday with Fauci and CDC director Rochelle Walensky, Fauci gave an example of what socialization without a mask can be like.

“I use the example of a daughter who comes from out of town who is doubly vaccinated, and a husband and wife doubly vaccinated, and maybe a neighbor you know is doubly vaccinated,” said Fauci. I think you can clearly feel that the risk – the relative risk is so low that you wouldn’t have to wear a mask, that you could have a good social gathering indoors. “

To read the full press conference transcript, visit

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