COVID-19 Statistics | January 26, 2021 | Lost Coast Outpost

Press release from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

A total of 2,652 Humboldt County residents tested positive for COVID-19, after 28 new cases were reported today.

Humboldt County Public Health contact investigation teams are tracking 194 transmission chains and several small outbreaks across the county, largely related to internal meetings. Local health officials say the cases have been reported in a variety of settings, including workplaces and places of worship. Internal meetings are strongly discouraged by the state, and county residents are urged to follow all COVID-19 security measures until the vaccine supply allows for distribution throughout the community.

Public Health continues to vaccinate Phase 1A health professionals, with 320 appointments scheduled for today and tomorrow. Many of those receiving vaccines are Home Support Services (IHSS) and other caregivers who provide direct support to the elderly and dependent adults. On Monday, more than 500 emergency services staff were asked to schedule an appointment as part of Phase 1B Level 1. While vaccinations for health professionals are ongoing, Public Health and local health providers will expand consultations for other groups in Phase 1B Level 1, including educators, as doses become available.

All county residents who wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccine can submit their contact information via an online interest form and be notified when an appointment is available for their priority group. A total of 9,150 county residents have submitted the form since its launch. Go to to complete the form.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced today that Humboldt County remains at the “Purple” or generalized level under the “Safer Economy Project”, with an adjusted case rate of 24.3 and a rate of positivity of 6.8%.

The CDPH is also expected to announce a new plan for the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine across the state. More information on local impacts will be released as they become available.

For the latest information on COVID-19, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours, by contacting [email protected] or by calling 707-441-5000.

Information on the COVID-19 vaccine site:
Humboldt County COVID-19 data panel:
Follow us on Facebook: @ HumCoCOVID19
Instagram: @ HumCoCOVID19
Twitter: @ HumCoCOVID19
Humboldt Health Alert:


= historical data. All data from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center.

CalREDIE data. Unlisted postal codes had five cases or less. American Community Survey postcode populations, 2018.
