COVID-19 Statistics | February 8, 2021 | Lost Coast Outpost

Press release from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

A resident of Humboldt County died of COVID-19, and an additional 48 cases have been reported since Friday, bringing the total number of county residents tested positive for the virus to 2,955.

The individual who died was in his 60s. That marks the 32nd in the countyna COVID-19 related death. Public health officials in Humboldt County and the Emergency Operations Center extend their condolences to the family and friends of all those who lost loved ones during the pandemic.

Vaccines now available for 75+; Second dose clinics also scheduled for this week

Humboldt County Public Health and approved local vaccinators are actively working to schedule vaccinations for county residents age 75 and older. Of the nearly 10,000 county residents in this age group, approximately half have started the vaccine series, but the other half have not yet applied. Anyone aged 75 or over who has not been contacted for a vaccination appointment by their provider or Public Health should call the Humboldt County Joint Information Center at 707-441-5000.

Public Health, in collaboration with health care providers, has scheduled three second-dose clinics by Sunday and expects to administer nearly 1,100 second doses for health professionals, emergency service workers, face-to-face educators, in-person and on-site school support staff. long-term service team. This adds to the vaccines offered by local providers to their patients.

Places of worship can resume internal services with reduced capacity

The state of California has established provisional capacity limits for places of worship in response to recent court decisions. At the “Purple” or generalized level, Places of Worship can perform internal services at 25% capacity. The California Department of Public Health has announced that it will update industry guidelines for this sector soon.

For information on “Purple” layer requirements, go to

For the latest information on COVID-19, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours, by contacting [email protected] or by calling 707-441-5000.

Information on the COVID-19 vaccine site:
Humboldt County COVID-19 data panel:
Follow us on Facebook: @ HumCoCOVID19
Instagram: @ HumCoCOVID19
Twitter: @ HumCoCOVID19
Humboldt Health Alert:


= historical data. All data from the Humboldt County Joint Information Center.

CalREDIE data. Unlisted postal codes had five cases or less. American Community Survey postcode populations, 2018.
