Covid-19: How it happened – Record number of daily vaccinations in the UK

Copyright: Reuters

As our thoughts go to Captain Tom Moore, who is in the hospital with a positive test for Covid, let’s remember how he won the hearts of the nation.

It all started with a sponsored 100-lap walk in his garden in Bedfordshire, hoping to raise £ 1,000 for NHS charities.

“For all the people who are finding it difficult at the moment,” he said, addressing a British audience that has seen life turned upside down by the coronavirus, “the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away.”

When he reached the finish line, he became a social media phenomenon and raised an astonishing £ 12 million. At tea time that same day, donations rose to £ 15 million. And the total keeps growing and growing and has now exceeded £ 39 million.

Now named a knight and labeled a “national treasure”, Captain Tom’s life story will become the subject of an important new film.

The still untitled film will focus on the veteran’s relationship with his younger family, with whom he moved after the death of his wife Pamela. The couple was married for 40 years.

The photo will also tell about his military career and show how the horrors of war shaped his life and inspired him to continue walking, despite having faced a long battle with skin cancer and a hip fracture.

Now there is speculation about who will play it.
