COVID-19: At the Rose Parade for the first time in 75 years

Normally on this day, dozens of floats loaded with flowers and martial bands would travel through Pasadena, applauded by hundreds of thousands of spectators, some of whom faced the cold at night to ensure a privileged vantage point.

But in July, the New Year’s Day procession down Colorado Boulevard was canceled – for the first time in 75 years. It was a decision designed to protect public health, a decision that is sure to have a far-reaching financial impact on the regional and local economy as the coronavirus spreads throughout Southern California.

The region could lose up to $ 200 million as a result of a Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game, according to a 2018 study conducted by Enigma Research Corporation, which estimated event-related spending.

The Tournament of Roses officials decided to cancel the parade in light of the health protocols imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Curtis McKendrick, on the left, and along with his father, Robert McKendrick, carry signs along the empty Rose Parade route.

Curtis McKendrick, left, and his father, Robert McKendrick, make their own 2021 Rose Parade along Colorado Boulevard on Friday.

(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek found the decision extremely disappointing.

“However, we also know that we must act responsibly to protect our community in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tornek in July. “We look forward to working with the Pasadena Tournament of Roses in their reinvented New Year celebration, as well as the return of the Parade of Roses on January 1, 2022.”

Los Angeles County is now the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, with more than 14,000 new cases per day and hospitals forced to convert corridors and even gift shops into makeshift COVID wards.

It is the fourth time since 1891 that the parade has been eliminated, with the three previous cancellations during the war years of 1942, 1943 and 1945.

With the parade suspended, the Tournament of Roses offered a two-hour televised special, “The Rose Parade’s New Year Celebration”, which featured musical performances, celebrity appearances, a retrospective of past parade entries and a behind-the-scenes look at how floats are created.

But local leaders were concerned about the financial deficit, especially for restaurants and hotels forced to close due to the coronavirus. For example, spending related to the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl Game sustained more than 2,000 jobs annually, the Enigma Research study estimated. Much of this employment was in the lodging, food, retail and entertainment sectors.

The blow to federal, state and local coffers is likely to be affected as well. Spending related to parades and games supported about $ 38 million in tax revenue, the study found.

Some tried to make the best of the situation.

Shortly after the cancellation was announced, Richard Ur of Bradbury called Southern California auto clubs to organize a cruise along the parade route.

The Sultans Car Club of Long Beach decorated their classic cars with roses before parading on Colorado Boulevard.

The Sultans Car Club of Long Beach decorated their classic cars with roses before parading on Colorado Boulevard.

(Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times)

The Sultans Car Club in Long Beach, which was part of the New Year’s cruise, encouraged participants on its website to distance themselves socially, wear masks and “bring a rose or two or more”.

“It’s a Rose Parade Cruise,” announced the web page. “A fellow named Dick Ur told us that he had a dream, which consisted of classic cars going all the way through the rose parade, with at least one rose in – or in each car. Although he no longer has a classic car, he has love and passion for classic cars. We would love to make your dream come true! “

A separate group, called People’s Rose Parade, also organized a caravan on the same day to honor the victims of COVID-19 and advocate for changes in health.

The night before, a group of lowriders crossed the route, as they have for decades.
