Controller comes to Xbox Game Pass for PC this week

Control Jesse's Artwork

As if I don’t already have a lot of cool stuff to play on the Game Pass, Microsoft revealed that Control is coming to the Xbox Game Pass for PC on Thursday. Remedy’s scary interdimensional shooter has already been released on Steam, the Epic Games Store and even the Xbox Game Pass for console, so it was just a matter of time. I’m excited to get back to that.

Game Pass Twitter Account announced the good news yesterday, saying it would be available on the subscription service on Thursday, January 21 – just three days from now.

The game puts you in the shoes of Jesse Faden, a woman who has to deal with some strange monsters in a mysterious place called the Federal Bureau Of Control. You can do this with weapons or superpowers. I played a little bit of it myself and really enjoyed playing items with my mind.

Brendy (RPS at peace) thought the same way in his analysis of Control: “Most battles are fun parties. Control is a very useful sniper. It’s tasty at your fingertips, you know? And there are many unstable visual effects that make your powers look like Hollywood’s super-absurd smooth. “

Unfortunately, with the news of a new cool addition, comes the news of some games coming out as well. A quick look at the Xbox app will tell you that Sea Salt, Gray, Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour, Final Fantasy XV and Indivisible will all be on the road on February 1st.

I’m sorry, but look at that elated man holding that fish animal. What this post is about and why it’s not about him and his gigantic friend.

If you’re looking for more good’uns to get stuck in January this year, What Remains Of Edith Finch arrived on the Xbox Game Pass for PC last week, and names like Between Us and Monster Train joined the service last month too.

As always, you can get an Xbox Game Pass subscription for just £ 1 / $ 1 in the first month, with the price rising to £ 8 / $ 10 monthly thereafter. It’s a good deal.

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