Congressman Hakeem Jeffries attacks Republican Congressman Burgess Owens

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries went on the offensive against the former New York Jet who became Republican Congressman Burgess Owens during the first day of retired security on the House Judiciary Committee.

The fall has become a touchdown on social media

“Do you want to sit here and lecture us on patriotism when you voted to oppose an election that you know Joe Biden won and perpetuate the big lie?” Jeffries said, referring to Owens’ vote against certifying the results of the 2020 presidential election. “The idea of ​​you coming here and giving us a talk on your first day before this committee. … Explain your actions on January 7, when you supported an insurrection. “

Jeffries was responding to a speech by Owens, who represents Utah, in support of a proposal by Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz for the committee to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each session. The measure was quickly overturned.

“It is not about words, it is about actions. Fifteen seconds to show our children that we are adults and that we can agree to disagree and that we love our country enough to at least represent our flag, ”said Owens.

Burgess Owens Rep.
Congressman Jeffries went on the offensive against the former New York Jet who became Republican Congressman Burgess Owens, above, during the first day of the retired security guard on the House Judiciary Committee.

Owens, who played seven seasons for Gang Green in the 1970s, is a frequent contributor to Fox News and a critic of NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem in protest against racism and police brutality. Owens, who is black, last year threatened to stop watching the games if the movement continued.
