Congressman Adam Kinzinger tells his Republican colleagues that condemning Trump is “necessary to save America”

Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) Was one of the few House Republicans to vote for the impeachment of former President Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection, and in a new article to The Washington Post, he explains to his Republican colleagues why it is so important to hold Trump accountable for his role in the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Making an impeachment trial is not a “political theater” or a “waste of time,” wrote Kinzinger. “If the Republican Party does not take a stand, the chaos of the past months and years can return quickly. The future of our party and our country depends on facing what has happened – so that it does not happen again. “

Impeaching Trump shows that “enough”, said Kinzinger, and warned that “the situation can get much, much worse – with more violence and more division that cannot be overcome. The further we progress on this path, the closer we get to the end of America. as we know it. “

He called on Republicans who “encouraged” Trump’s “dangerous lie” that the presidential election was stolen, and said that the Republican Party of his youth “would never take that path.” Trump “changed that dynamic” by making the Republican Party one that works with “outrage and fear for a darker future”. Kinzinger thinks that more Republican voters “reject” this, but many were silent because “they assume that party leaders no longer represent them”.

Since the impeachment vote, Kinzinger said he heard “tens of thousands of my voters” and their reaction was “overwhelmingly supportive”. He “firmly believes” that most Americans “reject the madness of the past four years”, but the country will not be able to move forward “ignoring what has happened or refusing to hold those responsible responsible”. This is a recipe for “chaos for years to come”, which is why condemning Trump is “necessary to save America from moving forward on a sad and dangerous path”. Read the full article at The Washington Post.

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