Congress certifies victory for Joe Biden Electoral College

Congress on Thursday morning certified President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory after two Republican-led challenges to undecided voters were overturned.

Biden’s polling station’s 306 vote certification was delayed for hours after lawmakers were forced into confinement when an angry pro-Trump crowd wreaked havoc on the Capitol building on Wednesday.

Before confirming Biden’s victory, objections to his victories in Arizona and Pennsylvania were raised – and later eliminated – during the joint session of Congress.

Other planned objections were dropped by several Republican senators after Wednesday’s unrest.

The Capitol violence resulted in the death of a woman with gunshots, more than 50 arrests and widespread destruction.

Biden called the chaos “an unprecedented attack, unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times”, in a speech on Wednesday.

The president-elect also said that the illegality on Capitol Hill did not represent “true America”, but instead was the work of a “small number of extremists”.
