Condado records 396 cases of COVID-19 over the long weekend | Local News


© Buddhilakshan4 |

The five-day vacation brought 396 new known COVID-19 cases to Napa County.

The county released the count on Monday. It is the first report since Wednesday because of the Christmas holiday.

This followed a total of 445 new cases reported by the county in the first three days of last week. New county cases in recent weeks have been the highest since the pandemic began.

So far with the pandemic, the county has had 5,487 confirmed cases. He reports that 3,570 are active, 1,890 have recovered and 27 have resulted in death. A total of 128,180 people were tested.

A state-determined stay-at-home request continues to the Bay Area until at least January 8. He was interrupted for at least three weeks when the capacity of the region’s intensive care unit fell to less than 15%. On Monday, capacity was at 9.5%.

The county encourages people to take the COVID-19 test. Go to to see a list of local test sites ranging from Napa Valley Expo to local healthcare providers and local pharmacies.

Editor’s note: Due to the health implications of the COVID-19 virus, this article is being made available free of charge to subscribers and non-subscribers. If you want to join us in supporting the mission of local journalism, visit
