Communicating clocks shape circadian homeostasis

Regulating various body clocks

The circadian rhythms that affect various tissues and organ systems are aligned with the light-dark cycle and other external inputs, such as food. But how does this time remain modulated in complex systems and anatomical regions? Koronowski and Sassone-Corsi reviewed how central regulators in the brain and peripheral regulators in all organs can behave cooperatively or independently to modulate circadian rhythms. This systemic view of circadian rhythm modulation is important to understand behavior and disease, because unregulated clocks are associated with metabolic syndrome and cancer.

Science, this problem p. eabd0951

Structured Summary


Life forms ranging from bacteria to humans are programmed by circadian clocks – mechanisms that impose a ~ 24 hour rhythm on biology in harmony with geophysical time. Our understanding of circadian rhythms has been transformed by the identification of clock genes and the discovery that these genes encode molecular machinery that oscillates autonomously. With a genetic basis for the clock, complex organisms can consolidate timing into specialized cells and anatomical regions, or they can disperse this task to all cells through ubiquitous expression. Studies on plants, flies and mice have revealed a wide range of organizations of circadian clock systems across species, all of which depend on the passage of circadian information between cells. By boosting the daily cycles of homeostatic processes, the mammalian system functions as clocks coupled with cells and tissues that encompass the brain and peripheral organs. Recent advances have shed light on how constituent clocks communicate to generate intricate rhythms at all levels of physiology.


In the brain, the activity of the central clock (also known as a pacemaker) in the suprachiasmatic nucleus is driven by neurons and astrocytes. Real-time luciferase and calcium imaging techniques have revealed that astrocytes harbor their own molecular clock, which oscillates in antiphase for neurons and is markedly sufficient on its own to boost rhythms in mice. This feat depends on the interaction of the neurotransmitter that couples the two types of cells. In the forebrain, the sleep-wake cycle controls the daily accumulation and phosphorylation of synaptic proteins, adding an additional layer of post-transcriptional circadian regulation to neuronal function.

Studies on peripheral organs have shown how cell clocks achieve temporal coherence. The pancreatic islets time the release of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin to determine the phase relationships of resident cells α, β and δ, thus establishing a basal layer of synchrony. Single-core sequencing of isolated liver cell populations shows how the disruption of the clock in hepatocytes influences the molecular rhythms of neighboring endothelial and immune cells, suggesting that circadian programming can be passed from one cell type to another, perhaps to temporarily integrate different functional niches. Peripheral clocks also act systemically on distal clocks – a growing list of tissues secrete genuine synchronization factors into the circulation, including skeletal muscle, intestines, liver and adipose tissues.

Complementing the tissue-specific function loss experiments, the specific reconstitution of clock tissue in rats without a clock demonstrates that peripheral clocks are only sufficient to drive a small fraction of local rhythms and therefore depend heavily on circadian input signals. Extrinsic transcriptional control derives from the cooperation of the molecular clock with lineage-specific transcription factors in gene promoters and enhancers. Through interactions with clock proteins, nuclear receptors regulate specific sets of genes in response to fluctuations in hormones and metabolites generated by the clock in other tissues.


In modern society, we make conscious decisions, often out of necessity, to replace our clock schedule. As a result, our rhythms can be dissonant with the environment and, if not corrected, can cause adverse health effects. Circadian misalignment, in which eating and sleeping patterns are opposed to the natural inclination of the light-dark cycle, disturbs homeostasis and leads to internal imbalance – a characteristic of diseases ranging from the metabolic syndrome to cancer. In contrast, proper alignment and internal synchrony have been shown to combat tissue dysfunction and promote well-being. Thus, our innate circadian biology presents challenges and opportunities. Since the interruption of the clock is also a consequence of the disease, a task for researchers is to identify the set of mechanisms through which clock-to-clock communication is achieved and then to understand why these mechanisms fail. Restoring time and coordination between tissues can serve as a promising path for therapeutic interventions.

Cell phone timing for organism: communication between clocks.

The mammalian circadian clock is a coupled network of cell and tissue clocks. Light and food are predominant clues – pushing and pulling the phase, increasing or attenuating the amplitude and activating or inhibiting functional rhythms. In a fabric-specific manner, watches receive input signals and convert them into timed functional outputs, many of which, in turn, act as inputs and connect the network effectively.


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Timing from cell to organism: communication between clocks.

The mammalian circadian clock is a connected network of cell and tissue clocks. Light and food are predominant clues – pushing and pulling the PHASE, increasing or attenuating the amplitude and activating or inhibiting functional rhythms. In a fabric-specific manner, watches receive input signals and convert them into timed functional outputs, many of which, in turn, act as inputs and connect the network effectively.



Circadian clocks temporarily coordinate physiology and align it with geophysical time, which allows different forms of life to anticipate daily environmental cycles. In complex organisms, the function of the clock originates from the molecular oscillator within each cell and develops anatomically in a system that covers the entire organism. Recent advances have transformed our understanding of how watches are connected to achieve consistency between fabrics. Circadian misalignment, often imposed in modern society, disrupts coordination between clocks and has been linked to diseases ranging from metabolic syndrome to cancer. Thus, discovering the physiological circuits by which biological clocks achieve coherence will inform about the challenges and opportunities in human health.
