Colts would love Andrew Luck to come back, but he’s not counting on it

Cleveland Browns vs Indianapolis Colts

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The Colts are looking for a quarterback once again. Philip Rivers has retired and Jacoby Brissett is a free agent.

In 2021, the team will have its fifth opening day in five years.

Andrew Luck’s surprising retirement before the 2019 season has left them with one-year holders in Brissett and then Rivers for the past two seasons. So, Luck, who is only 31, would consider leaving retirement?

The Colts should at least ask.

“It’s like he’s where he is: Andrew has retired,” said Jim Irsay, owner of Colts, via Mike Chappell of FOX 59.

But the Colts would welcome Luck with open arms if he decided to return.

“He knows we would love to have him back,” said Irsay. “But only he can answer that question in his heart and soul: ‘Hey, do I really want to go back and be a Colts quarterback again in the NFL?’ It’s easy for us. He knows how much we would love to have him as a defender.

“I don’t really know if we’re going to see this. I think he is happy. He’s raising his daughter. He has a wonderful family. He’s a great Colt. He knows he can come back whenever he wants, but at the same time, we respect that he made that decision. ”

Irsay sounds as if the Colts, with a list ready to win now, would prefer a veteran. That could mean Matthew Stafford, with whom Lions will trade this off-season.

Stafford played 12 years, but is only 32, completing 33 next month, so he could be a short and long-term team’s response in the position.

“We believe we are close,” said Irsay. “We have a huge core of players who are able to compete for the Super Bowl very soon. Ideally, if you can get someone to come this year and several years after they are ready, it will give you your best opportunity, and you don’t need to have a maturation aspect so much to see them develop and reach the level they need to reach and get to the Super Bowl and win it.

“We just have to see where the opportunity pushes us. We would love to have a great young defender, and obviously there are some out there who have been commented on the launch of this draft. ”
