Coi Leray and Lil Durk expel unwanted guests in the look of “No More Parties (Remix)”

After someone throws a wild party at Leray’s house, the two rappers clean the house.

It’s time for Coi Leray to get rid of the leeches and she means it. The rapper recently shared the remix of her single “No More Parties” with Lil Durk, and today (March 11), Leray delivered the video. As the title of the track suggests, Coi is looking to make some changes to put himself on the right track and look, she is taking over and cleaning the house, literally.

The visual opens with a text message from Coi to “Leach”, who apparently threw a wild party at the rapper’s house. Inside, people are sleeping in every room, people playing Beer Pong and empty red cups of Solo are plentiful, but Leray is fed up and asks Lil Durk to help her organize things. For good measure, Coi also adds a sexy bathtub scene, so press play above and watch Coi Leray and Lil Durk dealing with unwanted guests in the “No More Parties (Remix)” look. Make sure you hear Leray’s nod to his father, Benzino, too.
