Clear signs that you’ve had COVID, says the Mayo Clinic

Although most people infected with COVID-19 they recover completely in weeks, others experience manifestations of the virus for months on end – some whose initial infections are considered moderate or even mild. The researchers dubbed these people “long haulers” and their condition, “long COVID” or “post-COVID syndrome”. “The elderly and people with many serious medical conditions are more likely to experience persistent symptoms of COVID-19, but even young, healthy people can feel ill for weeks to months after infection,” explains the Mayo clinic. They also list many of the common signs and symptoms that are likely to last long after the virus. Keep reading to find out what they are – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these Clear signs that you’ve had the coronavirus.

tired woman

According to the Mayo Clinic, fatigue is one of the characteristic symptoms that long-distance trucks suffer. Unlike the fatigue you’re used to, long truck fatigue is often described as “overwhelming” and is so extreme that those who experience it have a hard time getting back to work or even getting out of bed.

Young man having asthma attack at home

Shortness of breath is one of the defining symptoms of COVID-19. According to the Mayo Clinic, this respiratory complication persists for many long-haul trucks. In another article the Mayo clinic explains that COVID-related pneumonia can permanently damage the small air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. “The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems,” they explain.


Dry cough is one of the main symptoms of COVID-19. And it is also the one that the long trucks report months after an infection. According American Lung Association this can result from permanent damage to the lungs, which in turn can affect the body’s ability to function normally. On the other hand, they point out that some long-distance trucks have symptoms such as dry cough, “with no apparent damage to vital organs”.

Elderly woman suffering from hand pain at home.

The Mayo clinic explains that joint pain usually arises as a result of inflammation. And as far as we know about COVID-19, inflammation is a common manifestation of the virus.

Woman in gray clothes is holding hands on her chest.

COVID-19 has an impact on the lungs and respiratory system and, according to some experts, continues long after your initial infection. According Mayo clinic, sharp and sudden chest pains – also known as pleurisy – can indicate inflammation of the lung walls.

Woman sitting on the bed in the bedroom.

The sore muscles can be a sign that you are fighting an infection – or even that your body already has it. As for headaches, according to a case report, a woman suffered from a post-COVID headache for months after her initial infection. “The new persistent daily headache (NDPH) is another chronic headache that can be triggered by viral diseases,” explained the report’s researchers.

woman who is suffering from chest pain and touching the heart area

Heart palpitations are “a feeling of having a heart beating fast, throbbing or beating hard”, explains Mayo clinic. “Stress, exercise, medication or, rarely, a medical condition can trigger them.” 1 study published in Cardiology JAMA found that 78% of recovered COVID-19 patients reported “cardiac involvement”, while 60% had ongoing myocardial inflammation. And, even those who initially suffered from mild to moderate infections, reported continuous heart problems, including palpitations.

little girl with a spoon near the mouth

Loss of smell or taste is one of the first symptoms reported by those suffering from COVID infection. Unfortunately, many long-distance carriers report that after the virus disappears, the senses cease to return for many months.

Tired woman lying in bed can't sleep late at night with insomnia

As COVID-19 affects the neurological system, memory problems, sleep complications and concentration problems are often a plague for those who walk a long distance.

RELATED: 7 tips you should follow to avoid COVID, Say Doctors

Women scratch the itchy arm with their hand.

Rash and hair loss are other manifestations that last for a long time. One of the most peculiar symptoms of COVID in the long run is leg / chilbleness, redness and swelling of the feet and hands, which has come to be commonly known as “COVID toes”. Others, including celebrity Alyssa Milano, report major hair loss.

Woman wearing face mask and social detachment

If you experience any of these symptoms, contact a medical professional. There is no cure for Long COVID, but experts can help you alleviate some symptoms. And follow the simple fundamentals of public health and help stop this increase, no matter where you live – use a face mask, social distance, avoid large crowds, do not go home with people you are not sheltering (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, be vaccinated when it is available to you and to protect your life and the lives of others, no visit none of these 35 places you’re most likely to reach COVID.
