Claudia Conway competes in the Hollywood round of ‘American Idol’

It is very rare for someone to arrive american idol with a fully formed backstory that almost all viewers already know. But then again, the aspiring majority Idols are not the children of a former senior spokesman for the president.

And so, on Sunday night (March 21), several weeks after her controversial first appearance on the show, the famous internet singer Claudia Conway – daughter of former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway – was back on the microphone.

With a new look of black hair and apparently stimulated confidence, courtesy of the kind words of Judge Katy Perry, the laughing 16-year-old girl known for trolling her mother on social media made an offer to move on to the next round of Hollywood with a breathless cape of Bishop Briggs’ “River”. While Perry’s reaction scene found her with an impassive face, fellow judge Luke Bryan was shown shaking his head slightly as the camera cut to mother Kellyanne giving her daughter a standing ovation.
