City explains why Summit Mall closed abruptly after Christmas

FAIRLAWN, Ohio – The city of Fairlawn explained why Summit Mall closed abruptly the day after Christmas.

On December 26, Summit Mall was closed as a result of several changes and concerns about COVID-19, the city said.

The city said that “several young people from the region” met at the Summit Mall that day. After the first incidents at the mall emerged, management decided to close the day.

Those who met at the mall were asked to leave and everyone complied, according to the city hall.

While some social media posts apparently claimed that there were shots fired at the mall that day, the city of Fairlawn said that was not the case and that the bangs that may have been heard were stores closing its gates.

No arrests were made at the mall, no one was injured and no theft or property damage was reported, according to the city.

“Our department will continue to help Summit Mall maintain a safe shopping experience in the future and hopes that this launch will clarify the misinformation that has been circulating on social networks,” said the city in its explanation.
