China will allow foreign astronomers to use its 1,600-foot radio telescope for the first time

China will allow foreign astronomers to use its 1,600-foot radio telescope for the first time this summer.

The 500-meter spherical aperture radio telescope (FAST) is the largest single-disc radio observatory in the world, used to detect cosmic phenomena and look for extraterrestrial life.

It is one of the only ‘Sky Eyes’ remaining after the decommissioning and collapse of the 300-meter radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in December.

Scientists from China and abroad can submit applications online to use FAST to the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) starting April 1.

A schedule will be made public starting Aug. 1, with approximately 10 percent of the observation slots assigned to outsiders, reports the Xinhua News.

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The 500-meter Spherical Aperture Telescope (FAST), the world's largest single-disc radio observatory, will host foreign astronomers for the first time starting in August

The 500-meter Spherical Aperture Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest single-disc radio observatory, will host foreign astronomers for the first time starting in August

FAST is built in a natural sinkhole in Pingtang, in southwest China’s Guizhou province, with a unique design using metal panels that can be tilted to change its focus area.

Construction began in 2011 and observations began in 2016, although FAST was not officially opened until January 11, 2020.

To date, their systems have recorded at least 240 pulsars, starting with PSR J1859-01 and PSR J1931-02 in August 2017.

One of the most unusual was a ‘millisecond pulse’ in the Messier 92 star cluster.

To date, their systems have recorded at least 240 pulsars, including a 'millisecond pulse' that rotates 18,990 revolutions per minute.

To date, their systems have recorded at least 240 pulsars, including a ‘millisecond pulse’ that rotates 18,990 revolutions per minute.

FAST is built in a natural well in Pingtang County, in Guizhou Province, in southwest China.  Construction began in 2011 and observations began in 2016, although the observatory was not officially opened until January 11, 2020

FAST is built in a natural well in Pingtang County, in Guizhou Province, in southwest China. Construction began in 2011 and observations began in 2016, although the observatory was not officially opened until January 11, 2020

It spins at an impressive 18,990 revolutions per minute, Engadget reported, much faster than normal.

The basic design of FAST is similar to the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, although Arecibo could receive higher frequencies and was capable of radar astronomy.

The basic design of FAST is similar to the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, although FAST can scan the area twice and provide readers that are three to five times more sensitive

The basic design of FAST is similar to the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico, although FAST can scan the area twice and provide readers that are three to five times more sensitive

The Arecibo Observatory was shut down in November due to concerns over the safety of two broken cables. Two weeks later, on December 1, Arecibo’s main telescope collapsed.

FAST is significantly deeper than the collapsed telescope, contributing to a wider field of view.

It is able to scan twice the area that Arecibo could and provide readings that are three to five times more sensitive.

The Arecibo Observatory was shut down in November due to concerns over the safety of two broken cables.  Two weeks later, on December 1, Arecibo's main telescope collapsed

The Arecibo Observatory was shut down in November due to concerns over the safety of two broken cables. Two weeks later, on December 1, Arecibo’s main telescope collapsed

The United States National Science Foundation initially said it would destroy the Arecibo Observatory, but the government of Puerto Rico has pledged $ 8 million to help rebuild it.

According to Li Di, chief scientist at NAOC, FAST’s open mission is driven by a desire to better understand humanity’s place in the universe, something that is ‘as visceral as feeding and dressing’.

“Ultimately, exploring the unknown is the nature of humanity,” he told China Daily. “It leads to a bigger future.”

According to China's National Astronomical Observatories, FAST's open mission is driven by a desire to better understand humanity's place in the universe

According to China’s National Astronomical Observatories, FAST’s open mission is driven by a desire to better understand humanity’s place in the universe

In September, state media announced that FAST had joined the search for life beyond our planet.

According to Tong-Jie Zhang, an astronomer at Beijing Normal University, there are a number of “interesting” narrow-band signals that could be a sign of extraterrestrial life that the team is eager to start investigating.

The $ 269 million facility will also gather data on black holes, gas clouds and distant galaxies.
