Casa de S. Carolina will vote on bill that prohibits abortion

South Carolina lawmakers are expected to vote on a proposal that could ban nearly all abortions in the state. The “Fetal Heartbeat and Abortion Protection Act of South Carolina” would prevent most abortions if the heartbeat was detected by an ultrasound. (February 16)

Video transcription

NANCY NUTTER: Women must have their own choice about their health care and what they do with their bodies. And that is a horrible right being withdrawn.

BECKY RIVERA: Well, I’m a woman of faith, so I follow what the Bible says. I am pro-life, absolutely, 100%.

KAITLYN BOWMAN: It’s 2021. You never think your rights can be taken away.

DOLLIE HARRIS: I think this is sad. It shouldn’t be a government problem.

BECKY RIVERA: It will be a miracle if that happens. So I hope, I hope so.
