Captain Tom’s legacy lives on at 11 years of age

LONDON (AP) – The legacy of Captain Tom Moore, the super fund-raiser who died on COVID-19 Tuesday, lives in Imogen Papworth-Heidel – and many others.

The 11-year-old footballer, who dreams of playing for England, watched Captain Tom pushing his walker up and down in his garden to raise money for the National Health Service and was inspired.

So she decided to help by doing something she is good at: keeping uppies – kicking the ball in the air and passing it from foot to foot without letting it touch the ground.

Imogen was able to raise £ 15,000 ($ 20,500) for key employees, keeping hospitals open, streets safe and trains running while everyone stays home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“I wanted to do something to help raise money too, so I did it, ” she told the Associated Press from her home in Framlingham, in southeastern England. “I chose to make 7.1 million – one for each key worker across the country.”

Captain Tom, a veteran of World War II recovering from a hip fracture, started to collect 1,000 pounds ($ 1,400) by doing 100 laps in his backyard before his 100th birthday last April. Three weeks later, he had raised £ 33 million ($ 45 million) for Britain’s NHS after his search applauded a nation in confinement and generated donations from around the world.

But he also had a wider impact as his simple challenge – doing everything he can to help others – persuaded young people that it is never too early to start, and older ones that it is never too late.

Margaret Payne, 90, went upstairs 282 times to raise 416,000 pounds for the NHS. Payne, of Ardvar, in the Scottish Highlands, calculated that the feat was the equivalent of climbing 731 meters (2,398 feet), or the height of Suilven, one of Scotland’s best-known mountains that she climbed when she was 15 years old.

Tony Hudgell, a 5-year-old boy who lost both legs after being abused as a baby, started walking 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) and lifting 500 pounds to Evelina London Children’s Hospital. After completing the challenge on a series of daily walks, he attracted more than £ 1 million in donations.

“Captain Sir Tom inspired so many people to face their own extraordinary challenges, from running marathons to swimming in lakes, and he gave us all hope,” said Ellie Orton, chief executive of NHS Charities Together, using the honorary title that Captain Tom won when he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

“He showed patients and NHS staff, who were struggling, that people cared, that they were taking care of them and doing what they could to support them.”

In the end, Imogen needed a little help to complete his challenge.

After realizing that it could take a long time on her own, she found others who cared for uppies and donated them by video so she could achieve her goal – and each key employee could have their own.

“People made 6 million uppies in total and I made 1.1 million,” she said. “It’s really amazing how many people donated and spent their time taking care of everything. I am very grateful for that. “

Unlike many of those inspired by Captain Tom, Imogen managed to gain an audience with his hero. Captain Tom told Imogen that his challenge was “cool”. She melted.

“I probably learned to move on and not give up in the middle of something … to persevere, like going out when it’s raining or it’s very, very hot,” said Imogen of the experience. “And now I believe that I can do what I want, if I know I can and have the right mindset.”

She also gained more precision and control of the ball, which will likely help the national team’s goal.

Thanks to Captain Tom.


“One Good Thing” is a series that highlights individuals whose actions provide glimpses of joy in difficult times – stories of people who find a way to make a difference, however small. Read the story collection at

Originally published
