Capitol Riot ‘Oath Keeper’ seeks custody release, alleging insurrection led by Trump

Local militias believe that then President Donald Trump is asking for his support before the U.S. Capitol rebellion, lawyers who act on behalf of a paramilitary group leader said.

Jessica Watkins, a lawyer for the extreme right-wing extremist group “Oath Keepers”, argues that she and others believed Trump’s false claims about widespread electoral fraud because of “the president’s rhetoric, his Congressional supporters and the right-wing media. “

The claims were made in new court documents, released on Sunday, seeking Watkins’ release from custody while she awaits trial on several charges related to the January 6 riot when Trump supporters invaded the Capitol.

In the latest legal process in the case, his lawyers argue that Trump “held rallies designed to inflame his supporters” after losing the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.

“His supporters said he would invoke the Insurrection Act to use the military to guarantee his continuation of the presidency, despite the electoral results, which they considered fraudulently reported largely because of the rhetoric of the president, his supporters in Congress and the right media.”

According to the Justice Department, at least seven members of the Oath Keepers militia face charges for coordinating the attack on Congress using messaging and social media applications while using tactical equipment.

Watkins’ lawyers argue that the potential invocation of the Insurrection Act “took root in the online community of Trump supporters” and “led many local militias to believe they would have a role if that happened”.

“In November, [Watkins] they believed that the president of the United States was calling on her and her small militia group to support the president and the constitution and she was ready to serve her country in this way, “according to her latest filing.

Watkins had a “VIP pass” for the January 5 and 6 rallies, to which he participated, in order to “provide security for the rally speakers, provide escorts for lawmakers and others to march to the Capitol, as directed by the then president” , added their lawyers.

Composite showing Donald Trump and Jessica Watkins
This composite image shows then President Donald Trump during a rally by his supporters near the White House on January 6, and an image that prosecutors say was Jessica Watkins near the United States Capitol that day.
Getty / FBI

Investigators also claim that Watkins acted according to what she believed to be Trump’s orders.

“As the inauguration approached, Watkins indicated that he was awaiting President Trump’s guidance,” said a DOJ criminal complaint filed earlier this month.

Unlike most Capitol troublemakers, prosecutors argue, Watkins’ actions were premeditated. Authorities said Watkins had “trained and planned” to obstruct the congressional procedure if Trump “activated” them – a word she used in a text sent in November.

Prosecutors argue that Watkins’ involvement went beyond providing security.

A testimony in support of the complaint alleged that it “intentionally and intentionally joined and encouraged” those who forcibly entered the Capitol building with the intention of preventing the Senate vote to confirm Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

Several of those facing charges of violence at the Capitol said they were following Trump’s orders.

Trump was acquitted of charges of inciting insurrection in his second impeachment trial earlier this month because his fellow Republicans – except these seven – voted for no conviction. The final vote of 57-43 left indictment 10 below the required two-thirds majority.

The former commander-in-chief may still face criminal charges from Congress. He was hit by a new lawsuit, again accusing him of inciting violence earlier this week.
