Capitol – Your news radar in Illinois »*** UPDATED x1

* The fund is here if you need it in any way. Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago) …

Today’s vote makes it clear that the House of Democrats is ready for a change in leadership. I want to thank Representative Kathy Willis and Representative Stephanie Kifowit for joining me on this journey to elect the first woman to speak in Illinois. I am grateful for the support of so many of my colleagues and I will continue to work to win the support of the rest and unify the caucus.

*** UPDATE *** Some people I spoke to tonight misinterpreted that press release and mistakenly assumed that Kifowit was supporting Williams. Here is Rep. Kifowit …

I’m still on the run.

… Adding… Rep. Williams …

I’m sorry if my statement was misinterpreted … Rep. Kifowit remains a strong candidate as we both continue to defend new leadership in the Illinois House.
