Capitol doctor says lawmakers may have been exposed to Covid-19 during confinement of riots

House legislators may have been exposed to Covid-19 when they went into hiding during Wednesday’s Capitol riots, the Congressional attending physician wrote in a letter to members and officials on Sunday.

“Many members of the Casa community were in protective isolation in [a] room located in a large audience space of the committee, “said Dr. Brian Monahan, adding:” During that time, individuals may have been exposed to another occupant with coronavirus infection. “

He advised members to maintain their “usual daily measures to reduce the risk of coronavirus”, such as social distance and symptom control. He said they should also be tested for the virus next week, as a precaution.

Members of Congress were rushed to safe locations after supporters of President Donald Trump breached the Capitol building in an attempt to interrupt Congress from counting Electoral College votes and confirming President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

A courtroom where many members were housed had inconsistent mask use and social detachment. videos posted on social media shows several members of Congress without masks in the crowded room.

The Covid-19 pandemic still plagues the United States, even when vaccines are beginning to become available. So far, there have been more than 22 million confirmed cases in the United States and more than 373,000 deaths.

More than 50 members of Congress have tested positive for the virus, according to a count by NBC News.
