Capcom Broadcasting Resident Evil Showcase next week, will present RE: Village and “More”

The next big episode in the series, Resident Evil Village
The next big episode in the series, Resident Evil Village (Image: Capcom)

Capcom will broadcast a special resident Evil January 21 showcase on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Twitter.

It will be predominantly focused on the new entry Resident Evil Village (for PlayStation, Xbox and PC), but will also include “more news related to the Resident Evil franchise” in general.

Last September, Capcom unveiled Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness – a new CG anime series coming to Netflix in 2021.

In front of the Switch, there was also the discovery of a Resident Evil 3: Cloud Version and a rumor about a third game Resident Evil Revelations, which will have the Switch “focused”, apparently.

This year also marks the 25th anniversary of Capcom’s survival horror series. Will you be in tune with that? Tell us below.
