Canberra Dungeons and Dragons company helping children with autism to improve their social skills and make friends

This year, for the first time, George Blyth will have children to invite to his birthday party.

The primary school student has autism and made a special group of companions playing a modified version of Dungeons and Dragons.

The game is run by a social inclusion RPG company in Canberra called Dice 4 Diversity, which is helping children with diverse needs to improve their conversation and social skills.

“He’s looking forward to it, it’s the highlight of the week,” said his mother, Jenelle.

“There is a group that he can fit into.

‘His social skills were improving’

A group of children play Dungeons and Dragons.
Games help children develop social skills in unusual situations.(ABC News: Emma Thompson)

George plays a modified game of Dungeons and Dragons every Saturday with Canberra’s father, Ian Bennett.

A self-styled “tragic Dungeon and Dragons player”, Mr. Bennett founded the company after struggling to access therapeutic services for his three children, each with diverse needs.

“We fight the health system for proper treatment and look for ready-to-use solutions when no progress has been made with conventional therapy,” he said.

“Normally they would not have social interactions with shopkeepers or tavern owners. I saw their conversation improving.”

Fantasy, a gateway to the real world

Ian smiles as he sits near the game board.
Ian Bennett started Dice 4 Diversity when he realized the benefits of Dungeons and Dragons for children with autism.(ABC news)

For some children who find the real world oppressive and challenging, a little magic can go a long way.

In the game, participants take ownership of a character in a fantasy world, work as a team to overcome adversity and navigate to a successful outcome.

He said the game helped children understand the social contract and gave them a chance to fail or try something new in a safe environment.

“Being a played character is hugely liberating,” said Bennett.

“One of our kids the other week made some really bad choices and his character died – he realized the sequence of events that killed his character.

“He promised not to do that again and said he would be more considerate when making choices in the future.”

Bennett said he was hopeful that the game is equipping children to have better coping mechanisms later in life.

Therapy that does not require a bribe

A man and children play Dungeons and Dragons around a table.
Canberra has unveiled the benefits of Dungeons and Dragons for children with autism.(ABC News: Emma Thompson)

George said he loved the freedom of the game.

“You are the character you create, you are free to choose,” he said.

“It also helps me to find a new way to solve problems.”

He said he enjoyed his friendship with the other players.

“There are many people here that I get along with.”

Jenelle Blyth said that therapy for children with autism can be arduous.

As a mother of four children with autism, her focus was to prepare them for adult life.

“Our goal is for all of our children to be happy contributors. If we can do that for them, we will have successfully raised our children,” she said.

She said it was a chance to play and tell a story that made Dice 4 Diversity something her son was looking forward to.

“It gives him a chance to connect with other kids and learn to be more independent and talk to people,” she said.

“And I don’t have to bribe you to go.”
