Can Donald Trump pass $ 2,000 stimulus checks by executive order?

President Donald Trump used the power of the executive order for several reasons. Only in 2020 did Trump sign executive orders to invoke the Defense Production Act to speed up the manufacture of medical equipment during the coronavirus outbreak, increase protection of historic monuments during demonstrations and dictate a specific style of architecture for federal buildings. However, Trump did not use an executive order to determine direct payments of $ 2,000 to Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Democrats have called for the latest economic stimulus bill to include $ 2,000 in direct payments instead of the currently approved $ 600 stimulus checks. Many lawmakers on both sides of the corridor support the idea. Trump publicly endorsed the concept and challenged lawmakers to approve the higher value.

“$ 2,000 ASAP!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday.

The reason for Trump’s inaction in signing an executive order to provide Americans with extra money is simple: he does not have the authority.

Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, commonly known as the Expenditure Clause, grants Congress the authority to “establish and collect taxes, fees, excise duties and taxes, to pay debts and provide common defense and the general welfare of the United States. “

In other words, Congress has the “stock market power”. Another round of stimulus checks would have to be approved by Congress and enacted into law before being sent. According to the constitution, Trump cannot sign an executive order that would send more stimulus payments to Americans.

Newsweek contacted the House Budget Committee for comments.

could overcome the stimulus checks of the exec order
President Donald Trump has expressed strong support for the $ 2,000 stimulus checks to be sent to eligible Americans, despite resistance from Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.
Tasos Katopodis / Getty

While a measure to increase direct payments to $ 2,000 was passed in the House on Monday, the measure may never pass the Senate. House majority leader Mitch McConnell objected to a stand-alone bill that would have authorized larger checks, opting to submit a new proposal on Tuesday that linked direct payments of $ 2,000 to other issues with which Democrats disagreed. .

Along with the $ 2,000 stimulus checks, McConnell’s proposal also includes the repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which would remove legal protections from social media platforms hosting material from third parties that could be considered controversial. The legislation proposed by McConnell would also create a commission to investigate Trump’s unfounded allegations of electoral fraud.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized McConnell’s decision to block autonomous voting on $ 2,000 stimulus checks at a news conference on Wednesday.

“These Republicans in the Senate seem to have an infinite tolerance for other people’s sadness,” said Pelosi. “We urge Mitch McConnell to stop his obstruction and bring this legislation to the Senate floor. And we urge Republicans in the Senate to encourage him to do so.”

McConnell maintained his position against legislation proposed by Democrats, saying during plenary comments that the bill “did not have a realistic way” to pass the Senate.

“The Senate will not be pressured to send more borrowed money into the hands of wealthy Democratic friends who do not need help,” said McConnell.
