Cam Jordan predicts a Super Bowl victory if Russell Wilson joins the team

NFL: TEN 13 Santos in the Eagles

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Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson is willing to accept an exchange with the Saints. Multiple Saints players are more than willing to accept Russell Wilson.

Saints receiver Michael Thomas quickly posted his views on Twitter when the news was released last week. Appearing on ESPN on Tuesday, the Saints’ defensive side, Cam Jordan, made clear his belief that if Wilson comes to New Orleans, the saints will win a Super Bowl.

Although the tweet seems unconditional, Jordan’s explanation in the air had some caveats. At one point, Jordan conditioned his optimism on Wilson playing like him “at the beginning of last season” for the entire year. Jordan also said that winning a Super Bowl is his “vision year after year”.

In the video posted by Jordan, he also addresses the situation of Drew Brees. It is not clear, however, whether Jordan says that Brees retired or that Wilson would be at stake if Brees did indeed retire. (Most believe Brees is retiring; a vibe has recently emerged that he might not be going.)

Of course, there is a chance that Jordan is not around to experience Wilson’s impact on the Saints. If Jordan is part of the commercial package that brings Wilson, Jordan will play in Seattle. Recently he recognized this possibility – even if he wasn’t happy about it.
