Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes – League Game Changes and More

Treyarch has released the latest update for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and affects several different game modes, including standard competitive multiplayer, zombies and League Play. If you were participating in League Play this weekend, you may need to think of a new strategy to replace your reliable RC-XD score break.

RC-XD is restricted to League Play, which means that you will want to create a new low-level alternative before being caught off guard by this change. In addition, the friendly fire was slightly altered, turning into ricochet damage after the team’s second death and returning the damage to the attacker. If you get two more team kills, you will be kicked out of the game.

Other changes include fixing an issue on the Express map that would allow you to capture a Hardpoint zone without actually being inside it and adjusting some user interface issues. In Zumbis, you must also not be teleported off the map when others use it in the Village area, nor will you be able to stand at the craft table. Check out the full Treyarch patch notes below and make sure you don’t miss out on the Double Weapon XP weekend that’s going on.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Patch Notes (February 13)


  • Resolved an issue with the League Play button appearing on the Combat Log in the Barracks.
  • Resolved an issue where all non-primary calling cards displayed negative values ​​in the challenge menus.


  • Solved the problem in Express where it was possible to capture Hardpoint outside the zone.

League Match

  • Friendly fire will now convert to ricochet damage to the attacker after the team’s second death and players will be kicked after two additional team deaths.
  • Added “Processing results” display.
  • Improved visuals in the “Processing Ladder Result” display.
  • Fixed issue that could incorrectly display details from the previous League Play event.
  • Solve the problem where players could not roll up and down the league ladder.


  • Fixed issue that could cause players to be teleported off the map when others used the teleporter in the Village area.
  • Closed exploration that allows the player to stay at the work table.
  • Resolved an issue where the update icon was dimmed when the player had enough to update at Arsenal.
  • Added “Stations” icon for “Firebase Z” challenges in the challenge menu.
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Tocando agora: Novo mapa de zumbis do Call of Duty Firebase Z

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