California practices batch of vaccines for allergy problems

California health officials are asking suppliers of the COVID-19 vaccine to stop using a batch of injections from Moderna after a handful of people who were inoculated in the same location had allergic reactions.

Less than 10 people reported reactions after receiving doses at a San Diego vaccination site last week, according to FOX5 San Diego.

“Everyone seemed to be experiencing a possible serious allergic reaction during the standard observation period – a type of adverse event that the CDC reports that some people experienced when receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine site moved to another batch of Moderna vaccine after closing for a few hours, ”said the California Department of Public Health.

The mass vaccination post at Petco Park, the home of the Fathers, opened January 11 to deliver vaccines to health professionals on the state’s priority list, the station reports.

Nearly a third of a million doses of the Moderna batch were sent to 286 other suppliers in the Golden State, with no further news of adverse reactions.

Still, officials say prevention is better than cure.

“Out of extreme caution and also recognizing the extremely limited supply of vaccine, we are recommending that providers use another available vaccine stock,” the press release said.

The authorities noted that there is a degree of risk for any vaccine or medical procedure, and it is highly unlikely that anyone will experience a negative reaction.

Modern, the CDC and the FDA are reviewing the lot and hope to learn more this week. Replacement doses are not immediately available, according to FOX5.

Federal officials previously noted that some vaccine trial participants who used cosmetic facial fillers suffered side effects.
