California policeman says Newsom recall is a wake-up call after years of bad political decisions

On Thursday, a California police officer asked the city council to sign a petition to oust Governor Gavin Newsom because his administration represents the culmination of years of bad political decisions that are hurting the state.

Adam Garcia, who has worked in law enforcement for nearly 20 years, cited failed policies that made the state a “safe haven for criminals” and made violence soar – problems that worsened with the pandemic and Newsom’s response to it.

Garcia told Fox News on Sunday that he felt compelled to talk about how bad things got.

“It’s getting bad out there. We are starting to see the culmination of a lot of bad policies and state laws that have been in place for the past 10 years,” said Garcia. “It is now being combined with poor leadership in terms of how the governor is governing California.”

Garcia said the state’s policy of using COVID-19 to expel inmates was responsible for the rise in crime and the homeless crisis.

“I see what’s going on out there and nothing is being done about it. Not from the position of the governor to the smallest installments of the government. Nothing is being done and something needs to be said ”.

ARCHIVE: California Governor Gavin Newsom describes his 2021-2022 state budget proposal during a news conference in Sacramento, California.

ARCHIVE: California Governor Gavin Newsom describes his 2021-2022 state budget proposal during a news conference in Sacramento, California.

Garcia downplayed the idea that the recall against Newsom is being driven by party policies and is instead being driven by small business owners and workers that the Newsom administration failed to help during the pandemic.

“Newsom’s job was to help us get back to life as normal as possible while we maneuvered safely through COVID. And he just closed them all,” said Garcia. “I think what you’re seeing now is the totality of everything. Business owners have a different reason for not trusting him. Schools have a different reason for not trusting him. If you look at everyone in California, everyone has a different kind of experience that is leading to the decision to want him to be called back. ”

Campaign organizers to recall the governor said on Saturday they had collected 1.5 million signatures – more than the number needed to qualify for a vote. The campaign told Fox News on Saturday that they aim to collect at least 1.8 million before the March 17 deadline to make up for the invalidated subscriptions.


Voters will answer two questions: Should Gavin Newsom be removed from office? And, if so, who should be your replacement? If Newsom survives the recall, he will only end his term, which ends in January 2023.

Garcia predicted that even if Newsom survived the recall, it would not be an “alert” to change the state’s failed policies.

“If he remains in office, I don’t think that will be a warning to him. And I think you’ll see a bigger exodus out of California, ”said Garcia. “If he gets called back, I think it could be a big move in the right direction – not just for California, but for the rest of the country.”

This “movement,” said Garcia, has less to do with being Republican or Democratic and more about people being able to live in safe communities and safe schools.

“I think it would be a good message to send to the rest of the country that is so divided now. Ultimately, we all want the same thing, but we can come together in that. I think it will show this with a state as big as California, we can work together and move on and accomplish great things. ”


Fox News made several attempts to contact Newsom’s press office with a request for comment on the recall campaign, but received no response.
