California is losing its campaign to vaccinate racial minorities equally

LOS ANGELES – Months before a Covid-19 vaccine was approved for use in the United States, California was planning how to take it to communities most affected by the coronavirus pandemic, including racial minorities.

Two months after the vaccine was launched, these efforts are failing.

Black and Latino Californians, together, account for 59% of Covid-19 infections reported in the state, but represent 19% of those who have been vaccinated. In contrast, white residents account for 20% of infections and 33% of vaccine recipients.

In the hope of accelerating and simplifying vaccine delivery, the state overhauled its vaccine system last month, discarding its original plan, which would prioritize essential workers in many sectors. For now, only seniors over 65, health professionals and residents and long-term employees are eligible in most parts of the state.

The pace of vaccinations has increased since the changes were announced: California has risen from 45th in the country in doses of vaccines administered per capita a month ago to 31st now, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
