California is loosening its vaccine eligibility rules.

California, facing its worst outbreak of coronavirus infections to date, is loosening its vaccine protocol in an effort to avoid wasting Covid-19 vaccines.

The State Department of Health expanded its definition of health workers. It now includes community health workers, public health field workers and people working in primary care clinics, specialist clinics and dental clinics, as well as laboratory workers and pharmacy staff.

If extra vaccines remain or doses are about to expire, people working in education, day care, emergency services and food agriculture will also be eligible, the state said.

According to a New York Times database, only 1.3% of the state’s population – 528,173 people – received an injection. California wants to administer vaccines to an additional million people in the next 10 days.

On Wednesday, California reported 36,672 new cases of Covid-19 and 554 new deaths, according to a New York Times database.

The change in vaccine rules came days after a freezer at a Northern California hospital that stored 830 doses of Moderna vaccine failed, leaving hospital staff struggling to use the doses before they expired, without violating protocols.

Across the country, vaccine distribution efforts have progressed little by little.

In Florida, amid concerns about a turbulent implementation, Governor Ron DeSantis visited two vaccination sites on Thursday to talk to the state’s large elderly population about when they would receive the coveted vaccines.

Florida vaccinated almost 2 percent of its population – just over 400,000 people – by Thursday.

State authorities prioritized health professionals and residents of long-term care facilities in their vaccination plans. But the launch was bumpy.

On Tuesday, local media reported that older residents camped in endless lines at Daytona Stadium to get a chance. The wait was 12 hours or more.

Dr. Nicole M. Iovine, director of epidemiology at the University of Florida Hospital Health Shands, said that high demand was “a good problem.” The state’s ability to accelerate its delivery will largely depend on how many doses are available, she said.

“Given all the complexities of what is going on here, I think we are going in the right direction,” said Iovine. “Help is coming, the vaccine is coming and, as difficult as it may be to say, ‘Be patient’, this is really the message that we must send.”
