Busy Philipps shares her 12-year-old son, Birdie is gay

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the devoted mother also conveyed some wisdom about Birdie after finding them lying on her bedroom floor listening to Harry Styles‘music in the dark.

“I was like, ‘Are you okay? Do you want to talk about something?'” Philipps described. “And Birdie said, ‘I feel like I’m alive, but I’m not really alive, you know? And I just want the living part to start.'”

The actress realized how Birdie was feeling. “I was very touched because I said, well, first, welcome to be my daughter,” she said. “But, I want to say this to you because I wish someone had said it to me: This is living. You can’t wait to start … You can’t think, like, if I could get to X, so I’m going to start live. ‘”The star reflected on how she lived her life waiting for the future and” fantasizing “about a certain thing that would make her feel different, but since then she has learned to” sit still “and” sit on it. ”

Philipps also enabled his son to live the life they wanted – whatever it was. “I said to [Birdie], ‘The other thing I want to tell you that I wish I had known is that you can build your life the way you want it, and it doesn’t have to look like anything you’ve seen or anything that has been modeled for you because maybe it doesn’t exist, “she encouraged.” ‘You can choose what will make you feel fulfilled and happy, you know? It doesn’t have to be any of those constructions that we’ve all fueled our entire lives. This is a different world that you start to build. “

Before Christmas, Philipps spoke excitedly about being Birdie’s mother after giving them a light blue suit. “Birdie opened one of my gifts tonight. It was this blue suit, which was put on enthusiastically and immediately and looked like I won Christmas two days before,” said Dawson’s Creek alum described. “And then I managed to take this picture and now I feel like I won everything because OH MY GOD, I know this person and THAT is the magic of being a father.”
