Burning Crusade Classic leaks ahead of BlizzCon

Promotional image of World of Warcraft.
Extend / That’s the game’s leak, Blizzard.

Before the BlizzCon game advertising frenzy this weekend, two of Blizzard’s secrets were revealed in the form of a leak. Both revolve around World of Warcraft: one for the most recent Shadowlands expansion, and another for the World of Warcraft Classic server option.

In the latter case, the extremely popular 2007 Wow expansion pack, The Burning Crusade, will be screwed into the WoW Classic option within the Blizzard Launcher starting at “2021”. The news comes from an apparent leak of official BlizzCon press release materials, all formatted with official images and descriptions of what’s to come, as found on official Blizzard servers by Reddit users. Wow community.

As with the 2019 official Wow vanilla launch, The Burning Crusade will return without any new or special features other than what originally came with the game. You should remember that this expansion pack included a drop of content while Blizzard maintained it before selling Wrath of King Lich in 2008. Meanwhile, the leaked document from Blizzard states that the original version’s update cadence will return: “The content of the original game will be released in stages, at a paced pace for the WoW Classic community. Prepare for the opening of the Black Temple, prepare to face the gods of Zul’Aman and gather your allies to face the fury of the Sunwell. “

Burning Crusade art, also part of today’s pre-BlizzCon leak. “> Burning Crusade art, is also part of today’s pre-BlizzCon leak. “src =” https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/wow-bc-art-980×447.png “width =” 980 “height =” 447″/>
Extend / Delectable new Burning Crusade art, also part of today’s pre-BlizzCon leak.


Since the document does not mention any change in quality of life (QoL), you will probably have to make peace with the original peculiarities of the expansion, although driven by the improved balance between the Horde and the Alliance thanks to the Blood Elf and Draenei races emerging recently in this expansion. If it’s exactly where you want it Wow memories to live through an official Blizzard server, so you’ll be in paradise – especially since this is a free upgrade for those who already pay for one Wow subscription. Meanwhile, if you same want to keep things vanilla, you will have the option to keep your WoW Classic characters return to remain in a world that does not know the kiss of Outland. (If you need help making that decision, you can browse through Ars’s 2007 review of TBC.)

Offering both options in the official Wow servers is a great indicator of Blizzard’s dedication to the call to revive the old Wow days, although we have to imagine the nostalgia of WoW Classic players can do without this expansion. Our reports about fans bringing older Wow versions back to life on private servers that Blizzard fought against, certainly never addressed the Lich King or Cataclysm ages.

The other one leaks into the jungle, ShadowlandsThe next update to “Chains of Domination” also came in the form of a leaked Blizzard press release, which WoWHead shares with many images and descriptions of what is to come. Fans playing the latest expansion can expect at least one new raid and mega-dungeon, along with more of the usual expansion patch embellishments, at some point. This leak did not include a release date, but we are not sure if that means that we should expect a stealth drop when the update is announced tomorrow.
