Bungie loads the Osiris Challenges in Destiny 2 offline for the rest of the weekend • Eurogamer.net

It’s going from bad to worse with Destiny 2’s troublesome Trials of Osiris mode, which has been taken offline again.

On a tweet emitted today, developer Bungie said Trials of Osiris – Destiny 2’s most hardcore competitive multiplayer mode – was disabled for the rest of the weekend “due to a problem with the fire team’s reintegration functionality.”

And it seems that the tests may not return until the weekend after the next.

Bungie has suffered a torrid period of testing since Destiny 2: Beyond Light was released in November 2020. It was not available on several weekends, and in late February, testing was forced to go offline after a popular method. to fix matches it was suggested that it affected about 50 percent of players in perfect races.

However, it seems that the two weeks off did little to prevent this problem of winning negotiation. The players were using the fireteam re-entry functionality this weekend again in an attempt to be flawless. It works like this: load up on a Trials game with a fictional character and decide whether you are going to get an easy victory or not. If you decide you will win an easy victory, then switch to the character with your perfect ticket to end the game and record the victory. Rinse and repeat.

“This bug is nasty,” said senior community manager dmg04 in Twitter. “The team is going deeper. To set expectations, we may not have a complete solution until the Stasis adjustment patch on 03/23, which means that tests can also be disabled next weekend. As soon as we have more information, we’ll let you know. everyone knows. “

Responding to a Twitter user who asked why Bungie can’t just disable the ability to return to the game, instead of disabling the tests, dmg04 said it was not possible.

“We are currently unable to disable the re-entry functionality specifically in tests. If we did that, we would have to disable the feature throughout the game, which would have a much greater impact for players than disabling the playlist for some purposes. week. “

Some Trials players have reacted negatively to this latest setback. Those on their way to a perfect race (seven lossless wins) and their rewards – the Adept The Messenger kinetic wrist rifle and a trip to the Lighthouse area – feel particularly handicapped.

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Bungie since then confirmed the Lighthouse will be reactivated soon for those who have access with an impeccable card. Players can also redeem any Trial tokens won for Saint-14 through the weekly reset. And finally, Bungie said it will ensure that the rewards are not lost this season due to delays.

Frustration with the state of Osiris’ Trials has been growing for some time. Players have long complained of cheating, team behavior, poor game formation and the enormous amount of effort required to obtain their best rewards.

Bungie is now facing calls from the Destiny community to cancel Trials for the rest of the season, in order to resolve issues.
