Bungie gives in, won’t let ‘Destiny 2’ community fail in its dawn quest

Well well well. Here we are.

After many complaints and some accounts that showed that the Destiny 2 community was on its way to fail by a large margin in Dawning Community Quest, as most people expected, Bungie intervened to increase the generation rate of the Dawning Spirit to ensure that we reached the final goal of 1 billion on January 5th.

O announcement arrived late last night and Bungie is tripling the generation of Dawning Spirit during the event. I do not believe that this appears in the game, since you are now getting 9 instead of 3 when turning cookies, but on the backend it is triple tracking. Since this was instituted, we can already see the pace increasing at a slightly more reasonable rate on the tracker. Not quite fast yet, mind you, but certainly more than before.

So, is triple progress enough? In short, yes, it should be, unless the baseline pace slows down dramatically from here.

When we were looking at the numbers before, I said that if our rate doubled, we would probably hit it, but narrowly. But how has our rate tripled? We should be able to reach 1 billion with days to spare. Here is the most recent chart based on the current and accelerated pace:

At the current rate, we are expected to reach 1 billion and the final gift on New Year’s Eve. If there is a slowdown (which I would probably predict), then it may be the first days of January. But yes, we should be able to eliminate it before the event ends on January 5, and I think Bungie has tripled it instead of doubling it to be more secure.

This is, of course, the second event in three seasons in which Bungie had to intervene and change the values ​​so that we didn’t fail, the first being Felwinter’s quest in Season of the Worthy that was even more out of the way. . I said before that I really don’t like “get big numbers” community missions, and now more than ever, there seems to be no real consequence for them. They are boring and grinds and you don’t feel like you are contributing much to anything. And if you’re doing well, it’s only a matter of time before Bungie kicks in and forges the numbers for you to win.

I am totally in favor of community missions, but they need to be more interesting than what we are seeing here and they need to estimate things better so that the values ​​are not too, too far away to the point that Bungie always shows up and fixes things. There has to be a better way to do events like this, because what has happened in the last two is clearly not working.

In any case, we are now on the right track to claim our final “exotic level” prize before the end of the event, but there were no more hints as to what this could be, even from data. Assumptions range from exotic sparrows or ghosts to random falls, the apparent Heir and something really valuable like a catalyst or a new weapon. I wouldn’t hold your breath for something mind-blowing, though. But I think we can have hope.

So, this saga is almost over now, as it is almost a guarantee that we will end the event now. See you when we’re talking about the grand prize, I suppose.

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