Build-A-Bear’s adorable Animal Crossing: New Horizons collaboration has arrived

Build-A-Bear has finally revealed its new Animal Crossing: New Horizons-thematic programming will look like two versions of stuffed animal from fan favorite Isabelle and the infamous loan shark (raccoon borrowed?) Tom Nook, adorned with island clothes that match the game.

Of course, because it’s 2021, you just can’t just Purchase a hot item like a Cross between animals Build-A-Bear doll – you will need to sign up for a PlayStation 5-style queue, which will then randomly assign you an online place to buy the bears (will they still be bears if they are a dog and a raccoon? How does the Build-A-Bear taxonomy system work?) Today, April 6th, at 11am EST / 8am PST.

At the moment, Build-A-Bear only displayed these two characters, although it is possible that the company has other clothes or other goods in the collection as well. (Given the wealth of the lovely Cross between animals creatures in the game, there’s a lot to choose from.)

Build-A-Bear is also to be commended for making the new stuffed animals really look like cute real-life versions of their in-game equivalents, rather than the company’s vaguely creepy Avengers: Infinity War bears 2018.

If you are planning to buy a Cross between animals Build-A-Bear, you should probably stop reading this post and go online. If it looks something like the Cross between animals / Collaboration Sanrio, things will run out Fast.
