Bryan Harsin’s introductory press conference

AUBURN, Alabama – Dressed in an orange and blue tie, Auburn’s new head coach is on campus for the first time.

Bryan Harsin, hired from Boise State on Tuesday after a nine-day coach search, arrived in Auburn on Thursday afternoon, and his introductory press conference with reporters is scheduled for 3:30 pm CST.

Follow this link for Harsin’s live commentary, along with other Auburn athletics figures who make an appearance. Just refresh the page if you want to see the latest update.

President Jay Gogue

• “This is a great day in the life of Auburn University,” says Gogue. He thanks Allen Greene and Auburn’s search committee. “We aim high and hit high.”

Athletic Director Allen Greene

• Many people worked “behind the scenes” to get a coach who carried the characteristics of what Auburn believes are necessary for the success of the next head coach.

• “There was a high level of interest on the part of NFL coordinators, coaches and coaches”.

• Greene says he met Harsin at an event five years ago. Your first thought? “I like this guy.”

• Greene jokes that Harsin’s wife, Kes, was the “best recruiter” to take Harsin to Auburn during the search.

Head coach Bryan Harsin

• “War Eagle. Good to say that.”

• Says that Auburn is a school for “special people” and “we plan to do special things along the way”.

• “This decision was simple. … As Auburn believes, this is what we are in our family.”

• “I have been fortunate to be in some fantastic positions in my career, and no better than the one I am in now.”

• “It’s very simple: we want to win championships. And we want to do it with class, we want to do it with integrity and we want to do it with academic excellence.”

• Harsin says he has already spoken to the team.

• He jokes that the first thing he will do is apply for another year of eligibility for Quentin Riggins and Bo Jackson.

• “It’s very simple: we want to win championships. And we want to do it with class, we want to do it with integrity and we want to do it with academic excellence.”

• “Football is a game of development, and so is life.”

• Harsin notes that he had four main coaches during his time at Boise State. That was part of his message to Auburn players: “I told our team, I understand what it’s like to go through changes like this.”

• “There was no place other than Auburn University that would take me away from a place like that. … There were other opportunities, but not like this.”

• Harsin says Boise State players found out that he was leaving for Auburn on Twitter, which he finds regrettable. He had a meeting with them the next day and said he will be “back” to make sure the program is still “thriving”.

• “Why Auburn? … It’s the people. For me, that’s the most important thing.”

• Harsin says the Auburn Creed has really resonated with him in the past few days as he read it in preparation for his arrival.

• “There is no bigger platform than Auburn University football. Period … I saw Auburn. I saw what they were able to do.”
