Brooke Shields broke her femur and shares an Instagram recovery video

Bryan Alexander


Brooke Shields released a bombshell video and injury announcement on Sunday, saying on Instagram that she had broken her femur.

Shields, 55, posted on Instagram a video of a hospital gown showing the actress, who danced on Broadway, taking extremely tentative steps with metal crutches and non-slip socks visible at her feet.

“It broke my femur. Starting to fix it,” wrote Shields. “No matter what your challenge is, make a positive choice for yourself to move on. #BeginningisNow.”

Shields gave no indication of what caused the injury to his femur, or thigh bone, the largest bone in the human body. Nor did he give a timetable for injury and recovery.

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USA Today contacted Shield’s press representatives for further comment and elaboration.

The video caused shock waves in the Hollywood community.

“I’m sorry! Courage … it’s in your blood. Sending love,” said actress Glenn Close in the Instagram post.

“I’m sorry, tell me how you are,” wrote Sharon Stone, who offered to bring food.

“Glad I saw you, baby, you were so nice and beautiful and I know this is a tough one,” wrote model Helena Christensen.

In recent posts on Instagram during the pandemic, the former Calvin Klein Shields jeans model discussed how to exercise during the pandemic to stay in shape.

“My approach to working out comes more than a rehabilitation approach because I had a partial knee replacement and I’m getting ready to do a complete knee replacement on the other knee,” explained Shields in a post. “It really stems from the maintenance aspect of continuing to activate my muscles. It really started when I called my trainer and said, ‘Please, can you use FaceTime with me and tell me what I can do?’ And it grew from there. “
