Britney Spears speaks for the first time after the documentary FX

The Princess of Pop finally spoke out after the controversial FX documentary “Framing Britney Spears” was released on February 5.

Although she did not directly address the issues raised in the film, which include her guardianship with her father and the #FreeBritney campaign, the troubled singer accessed Twitter on Tuesday night and shared a video of her singing her hit “Toxic” on stage.

“I can’t believe that Toxic’s performance is 3 years ago !!! I will always love being on stage…. but I am taking the time to learn and be a normal person … I just love to enjoy the basics of daily life !!!! ”The star wrote.

In what is perhaps an indirect reference to his current circumstances, Spears added: “Each person has his own story and his opinion about other people’s stories !!!! We all have so many beautiful and different lives !!! Remember, no matter what we think we know about a person’s life, this is nothing compared to the real person who lives behind the lens !!!! “

Spears has been in custody since 2008, led by her father, Jamie Spears, which means that he controls his finances and, essentially, all other aspects of his life.

In November 2020, the superstar lost the bid to remove her father from her guardianship. He now remains in control, as co-conservative with the financial company Bessemer Trust, although the judge has not ruled out future petitions for his removal or suspension. Spears refused to perform while in custody.

Meanwhile, Spears’ ex-husband Kevin Federline “approves” Jodi Montgomery, the singer’s care manager and person chosen by the guardianship, according to his lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan. “He thinks that Jodi Montgomery has done an admirable job and has no other position to declare with regard to guardianship,” reported E! online, citing Kaplan.

Federline has 70% custody of his and Spears’ children, while Spears has the other 30%.
